Dave - Again I'll admit that I have not tried to make this combination of environmental issues work together, but won't an FP26 (32-bit) executable work in a Win7 64-bit environment if you set the FP-EXE's Compatibility mode to 32-bit (or XP Compatible) within the specific EXE's Properties?I tried setting the compatibility mode on W7-64 bit and no matter what we tried, it kept telling me the version was incompatible.I had admin privileges on that machine. We ended up purchasing W7 32 bit for it.Admittedly, the executable is Foxprow Windows 2.5 so I don't know if a 2.6 app would work or not. Our policy now though is 'Don't buy a computer with the 64 bit OS until we have a chance to rewrite the app in VFP'-Dave Summers-Even more Fox stuff at:RE: foxpro 2.6a exe in win 7 (Programmer) 10 Feb 12 17:11. Is there a steep learning curve, or is it possible to easily convert the existing 2.6 files?There is a learning curve with any new product and VFP is best approached as if it were a new product when coming from 2.x.There is a converter. That is the best I can say of it. There is one.When converted, FP 2.x screens result in forms of a special class that cannot be created from scratch and carry behaviors that cannot be conjured from scratch.
You'll need to turn off Windows Themes which immediately makes your application look different from every other Windows application. You will spend more time working around quirky behaviors than you would creating a new form from scratch in the first place.That said, I've known many who convert and run the converted code unchanged until they need to touch/enhance a part of the system at which time they rewrite only those parts of the system. It can be used as a crutch. I've also known people who run their generated SPR files as PRG files in VFP until they get around to building new forms to replace them.Your mileage may vary.Just be aware that if questions arise in your converted forms and you come here for help you should clearly spell out 'THIS IS A CONVERTED FORM'. Most of us haven't used them much and won't take that as a default consideration.
RE: foxpro 2.6a exe in win 7 (Programmer) 12 Feb 12 23:27. There is a converter. That is the best I can say of it.